Articles in the blog category

  1. How has a year gone by?

    It is official. I must be the worst blogger of all time. I consider writting something on the blog occaisionally but actually doing so is not happening given the last update was over a year ago.

  2. Broadband problems

    For the last couple of days our household has been experiencing problems with our broadband with disconnections occurring several times a day (and usually accompianed by shouts of "the WiFi is not working").

    Looking in the router logs, I could see some messages occurring each time we had noticed a …

  3. Inspired by colleagues

    A couple of weeks ago I was talking with one of my colleagues and discovered that not only did she write a blog (about her experiences as a parent of a child with allegeries) but also she got a lot of feedback. She also mentioned that another one of my …

  4. Exporting addresses from Evolution

    I have some contact details stored in Evolution but recently needed to provide some of them in CSV format. After a bit of searching I discovered there is a command called addressbook-export that can be used to do this. On Fedora I found the command in directory /usr/libexec/evolution-data-server …

  5. Midnight Communion

    For a variety of reasons it has been a few years since I last went to Midnight Communion on Christmas Eve at our local church. As my children are getting older, I suggested to my wife that attending Midnight Communion would be a good way to start Christmas. Fortunately I …

  6. Doughnuts at school

    One of my daughters has a double lesson at school today. It might be a sign of getting old that I was shocked last night when she informed me that she was taking doughnuts to school today because the pupils had a rota to bring in cake for this double …

  7. Pony Club camp video of Harriet

    Harriet has been at Pony Club all week. Today was the final day and I went along to watch her show-jumping and going around a cross-country course. This is the video I took of her.

  8. Solar Eclipse

    The weather forecast was accurate and it was not possible to view the solar eclipse in Newbury today where I was working. While I was driving through Marlborugh on my way to work the sun had briefly broken through the clouds but there was no such luck during the eclipse …