Installing Pelican on a Raspberry Pi

A while back I decided to move where I write my blog to a Raspberry Pi. The main reason for having it on a Raspberry Pi was to make it accessible from different devices in the hope that I would update it more often. However, I discovered that the version of Pelican available with Raspberry PI OS (release dated May 7th 2021) was a relative old version, as it was 4.0.1. This is a problem for me due to a defect in that version that prevents it using my bespoke theme. The defect has been fixed in more recent versions of Pelican.

To remove the version packaged with the OS:

sudo apt remove pelican
sudo apt autoremove

I wanted to install Pelican using PIP and therefore I had to install PIP first:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Finally I installed Pelican:

sudo python -m pip install "pelican[markdown]"


  1. The OS installed version of the pelican script is installed at /usr/bin/pelican while the version installed using PIP is installed at /usr/local/bin/pelican.
